Free Tai Chi
New Beginner Classes starting soon
Potts Point - indoors & Centennial Park - outdoors
Next classes at will start on Tuesday 14th Jan 2025 Please complete the enrolment form on page 4 and instructors will make further contact with you in December 2024
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Keep Safe - Greg & Maggie
Free Tai Chi Sydney is dedicated to the teaching of the Chinese internal arts for health as passed on to us by the late Master Moy Lin-Shin (1931-1998).
He modified the traditional Yang Style 108-move Tai Chi set to maximize the health benefits for faster health improvement, as he realized that in a modern society, an exercise that was good for health was more important than a martial art for fighting.
Free Tai Chi Sydney currently run classes in Centennial Park - Rushcutters Bay and indoors at Potts Point.
We are volunteer instructors with over 20 years of Tai Chi experience between us.
In 2017 we decided to put that experience to good use and start free Tai Chi classes, beginning in a park and then expanding to a indoor community facility. The 108 moves are taught a few moves at a time by the 3-3-3 method. Watch-do-modify. Each week more moves are added. It takes about 6 months to achieve the 108 moves.
Check our Classes section for detailed information.
AcknowledgementsThe Gadical peoples of the Eora nation as the traditional custodians of this place we now call Sydney.
The Canadian Tai Chi Academy for their ongoing support and friendship.
The Centennial Parklands Trust
Tai Chi &

Tai Chi for Your Health
Tai Chi has been practiced for centuries as a form of martial art. Tai chi has
evolved in many forms. Each has its similarities and its differences. The Master
Moy 108 Moves of Tai Chi has been adapted specifically for their health
The gentle stretching and relaxing of the limbs increases flexibility
The slow, gentle rotation of the body massages the spine and internal organs.
The repeated transferring of weight from one foot to the other helps to improve balance, muscle strength and bone health.
Together, they help improve the circulatory system as well as the digestive, lymphatic and nervous systems.
The slow movements help to focus on the present and concentrate on the next move. This may aid memory.
The tai chi practice is a form of meditation in movement
The Benefits of Tai Chi
Tai chi can be practiced by all ages and abilities. Scientific studies have shown
that regular tai chi practice over time may have significant health benefits.
These include:
Reduced blood pressure
Improved sense of well-being and coordination
Reduction in stress
Improvements in physical and mental well being
Reduced falls in the elderly
Improvements in chronic pain
Preparation for Tai Chi Classes
Tai chi can be practiced anywhere and anytime both indoors and outside.
Requires no special equipment or clothing.
It is important to wear loose fitting clothes and comfortable shoes.
Bring along a hat, water and sun block if attending an outdoor class.
Please inform the instructor if you have any current pain in your joints or you are pregnant
If you have a medical condition, please discuss practising tai chi with your doctor.
The Form

Learning Tai Chi
The 108 moves are taught in a group setting. It takes about 5 months to learn all the moves. Each week a small sequence of moves is taught by the 3-3-3 method:
The moves are demonstrated three times by the instructor.
The moves are practiced as a group three times, with the instructor.
The moves are repeated three more times with the instructor observing and then giving feedback.
In subsequent weeks we add on more moves to those already learned
There is often an expectation by students that they should remember the moves. This is not the initial aim. It takes time and a little patience. Our approach is that the moves will always be practiced as a group, who observe then copy what they see. We learn as a group – always with someone to watch. In time the first moves will be remembered and then built on from there.
Once the 108 moves have been experienced, the 108 advancing class will learn more about stretching and refining those moves.

Beginner Classes starting Tuesday 14th of Jan 2025 - All welcome
The 108 moves take about 6 months to learn. Regular attendance is recommended as new moves are added to the sequence each week. Please note that because of sequential learning, there will be no new enrolments after the first 4-6 weeks
Please complete enrolment details below and instructors will make futher contact with you in December 2024
Potts Point Classes - indoors
Tuesdays 5:30-7:30 pm
The Rex Centre - Macleay Street
Baroda room - 1st floor
Centennial Parklands - Outdoor
( subject To Weather)
Tuesdays 8:30 - 10:15 am
Dickens Drive
Instructors will contact new applicants by email
Note: The next tai chi classes will begin in January 2025

Free Tai Chi Sydney​
Our Mission
The Mission of Free Tai Chi Sydney is to teach people of all ages and abilities the moves and health benefits of practicing Tai Chi. We continue using the knowledge passed on to us by Master Moy Lin -Shin and from the generations of Chinese Internal Arts Masters who passed their knowledge on to him
Our Aims and Objectives
To preserve the knowledge, traditions and history of Tai Chi for health or health recovery, as taught by Master Moy Lin -Shin
To promote the health benefits of Tai Chi
To offer instruction in the 108 moves of Tai Chi and make it available to those who wish to learn
To encourage and teach any interested students of 108 Tai Chi how to instruct others
To work as a group to share the knowledge that each individual has to better learning and health outcomes
Free Tai Chi Sydney is not affiliated with any religious organizations

Our Mailing Address
P.O.Box 345
Ryde NSW 1680
Greg 0425362121
Maggie 0404429005
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form:

Since I started Tai Chi lessons has helped me in so many way. It is amazing. I had digestive problems, stress and other health concerns. Since I have been doing Tai Chi regularly I have experienced relief in these areas. I practice now every day and am so thankful for my present health
Stefania – Centennial Park
Gitendra - Ashfield​
It has been a privilege and a blessing to receive instruction from Greg & Maggie on the ancient art of Tai Chi. They have patiently and selflessly dedicated their time and experience to sharing the wisdom of this physical, mental and spiritual practice. Highly recommended !!
Tai Chi is a gentle slow activity that has increased my awareness of controlled movement and flexibility. I look forward each week to learning and enjoying he benefits of tai chi in the peaceful Centennial Park environment
Beverley - Bondi
My journey in 108 Tai Chi started about 10 years ago. I looked at a number of styles and decided that the 108 Master Moi style was best suited to me. Gentle stretching with a focus on the many health benefits. I started doing a few classes a week, became a set leader, made many friends and found my self so eager to learn the form. I wish I had understood how Tai Chi lessons would make me feel 30 years ago. I just love it and encourage any body at any age to get involved and learn. My regular training has helped me to find balance in my life, to improve my posture and lower back pain. I find myself calmer and with a much clearer head. My physical fitness and stamina has increased and I feel much happier in my body. I have made some great friends through the classes, a lovely mix of people from all walks of life. Friendly, positive, encouraging and inclusive
Greg - Paddington
I have been practicing Master Moy’s 108 moves of tai chi for more than 15 years and have been an instructor for 8 years. I love to see the transformation of people struggling with the moves to begin with, then flowering as they become in tune with the moves and the eureka moments when they just get it. Initially most people struggle with thinking they have to remember the moves. They don’t. We do it as a group and we learn together. Experiencing the 108 moves is the beginning. The remembering and fine tuning the moves is what happens later. Patience is a virtue. For myself, I live a very busy life and tai chi is the only thing I do slowly and in silence. It keeps me sane. Tai chi is also an amazing activity to practice when one is stressed or there is a problem to solve. Concentrating on the next tai chi move breaks the current thought patterns, allows a breathing space to think more clearly.
Maggie -Alexandria
I have been keen to learn tai chi for some time and heard about the free tai chi group not far from where I live. I started learning the form earlier this year. While it initially seemed complicated and difficult to remember the moves, practicing between classes has been a great way to reinforce and remember the new moves taught each week. I also meet up with another member of the group to practice in a local park on the weekend. Greg and Maggie are great instructors and are very patient with the group. I have aslo started to notice improvements in my physical fitness and balance. I look forward to continuing to practice the form daily and build on the skills I have learnt so far.
Bruce - Elizabeth Bay
We have been enrolled in the free tai chi courses provided by Greg and Maggie at Centennial Park. The setting is glorious, which certainly has helped set the mood.
Greg and Maggie are great instructors, always providing encouragement and positive feedback. We look forward to our next semester.
Ron & Leah - Queens Park